This is my second email today. I responded earlier to Voicemail message received Thursday, 6:51pm. I checked my account online, and I was unaware of huge outatanding balance. In viewing past TruePay payments for which I trusted my confirmations, I found that some past months had been returned.
As mentioned in some previous correspondance with your customer service, I have multiple disabilities. Neurological deficits make it particularly difficult to track things. I have managed by automating my fixed bills and keeping to strict $200 MLGW online monthly payments. I cannot figure out the current status of my account. I asked for a stop payment months ago to remedy an error I made in my method of payment, but I never intended for any of the following payment cancellations.
Unable to resolve with bank today, I will attempt next business day. I went ahead and made $100 online payment to show good faith.
Right now I am just overwhelmed by the magnitude of my illness and cosequent disabilities, increased utility costs. I am using space heater currntly. I cannot afford the repair needed to my central heat and air, nor do I trust using the fireplace which has never been inspected or cleanned. I also had water damge from leak of unknown source. I had to cut off downstairs water. This weeks sudden freeze spell has me quite frighten. I appreciate any special assistance MLGW can provide or other resources you can refer.
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