Subject: Angie has sent you a video - MLGW Papers
My first real viewing of the MLGW " preferred customers" scandal was on Wednesday's Channel 3 noon news in my physicians waiting room, minutes before arriving home to find my own utilities cut off. My anger watching the news turned to desperation once I was home and I spontaneously called Channel 3 in tears. Until today, after searching previous MLGW news stories I had no idea just how great this issue had become, even covered by the New York Times.
I was accused of being negligent in fufilling my financial obligations to MLGW; I have not been negligent I have been unable to fufill my obligation despite using all of my resources, seeking assistance as well as continuously communicating my status to them.
Why am I not a "notable" person?
I do not have the burden of maintaining a heated pool. But do I not deserve the security of warmth when I am cold, relief when I'm too hot, light when its dark, fresh food for my nutrition, even power for basic communication?
Read about the list that sent me over the edge! Watch my response on Channel 3...
Joseph Lee responds to MLGW's VIP list (list included in article)

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